
We form in the Year of our Lord 2020.

For America, and for ourselves, so we may survive into the future - and conquer and prosper.

As we can, as Knights of a new Noble Warrior Order.


This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.
— President Eisenhower, 1953

We have not only lived under a cross of iron. We have lived in an Age of Iron. But a colossal shift is under way ... and how we cross to that new era shall write our fate. As a nation, and human race.

That crossing we begin, here.



Principles of a Noble Warrior Order

What separates man from beast?

By doing what no beast can: organize around higher principles.

The Principles of Order are founded upon: the universal four cardinal directions, four classical elements, four rivers to Eden, and four seasons.




The Map of Twelve Realms

To Re-map America by way of geography instead of political lines.

Then, so we may Re-regiment.

Not around “issues” but regions.

This will take a little Re-working of muscle memory. But we are strong.



The Material Cross

To Re-build the American Economy.

In the current situation, the economy has been made a tradeoff.

Instead, we need to meet at the balance point of convergence: between Connection v. Containment.



The Hero Powers

To Re-invent the American story, to make new heroes within.

In the current story, you already know who you are. In Legend IXLV, you find out who you really can be.



The Noble Ascendency

To Re-construct the ladder to make room for all.

The current system doesn’t allow that. Nor allow great works to be realized, over a long time.

This is true even for our President.

The new ascendancy makes room for the President to do more - and for a very long time.



“There is no Action without Formation.”

In Roman times, Emperor Augustus designated himself Princep.

Princep that means First Citizen. And we are citizens too.

But what’s the difference between Augustus, and now?

Only the willingness to believe - and act.

To act where government cannot, nor should. Our U.S. system designed to prohibit politicians from becoming Emperors.

But what limits politicians, flings open the gates for everyone else. For citizens to draw upon the best of Empire, and apply them to today.

Today, 2000 years after Roman Empire. In the era of freedom - and our American right to gather and assemble.

How? As the best of the Romans would if alive today. As the Emperors would, too.

Because Rome was not built in a day, nor by chaos and disorder. Why Hadrian built a wall - to keep out the chaotic and disorderly. And why would we also build a Wall, if only to erupt in chaos and disorder within?

Instead, may we not only build a wall, but a long future by way of Principles.

By the Princeps of a Noble Warrior Order IXLV.




I am We







I Came


Re-ignite Industry, Re-launch, Re-plenish, Re-gain traction

Re-position from Military Industrial Complex to Civilian-Industrial Complex


I Saw


Re-calibrate, Inside Out

Re-member History

Re-naissance of Legend

Re-birth the Hero Tradition


I Conquered


Re-construct the Ladder

Re-think Hierarchy

Re-new Generations with Respect

Re-surrect Season After Season




In the 70 years since 1945, many lost touch with their “regional sense” also known as Situational Awareness, critical to battlefield survival.

We can re-engage this hidden sense by re-training ourselves to think locales over “issues”. This, serving as the contextual map to create solutions that will stick in the real world.

More details coming soon.


The Four Classical Elements are Fire, Air, Water, Earth.

Overall, the material elements of the world are the bedrock of industry.

What material defines your industry? Or puts you in your element. We begin here to Re-ignite, Re-launch, Re-plenish and Re-gain traction for the economy.

More details coming soon.


The Four Rivers to Eden are symbolic of the Hero’s Journey.

But also, a return to Eden.

Eden, not just as Adam and Eve, but all the creatures within.

More details, coming soon.


The Four Seasons teaches us humility and patience, and the capacity to endure.

More details coming soon.

FIRST STEP: Deus Ex Machina



The Age of Eisenhower birthed the mass-consumer age. Our lives identified through consumer labels, and keeping up with the Joneses. All that masked the invisible machinery beneath, in the Military Industrial Complex.

But for centuries, powerful Orders identified themselves through timeless symbols instead.

The timeless symbols that Kings, Queens, Knight Orders knew would take their legacies, to eternal plains. Symbols meticulously culled from principles of God and Universe, to be emblazoned on Coats of Arms and shields.

Mission IXLV has taken these meticulous processes and simplified them below.

And as the Knights Templar Order did, do we also begin on the Cross. Then dive into principles underlying the cross itself - the hidden machinery beneath - to the converging Four Axes of Cross. The eternal template of Four Quadrants for legendary identities to begin.

Your timeless Noble Warrior Order IXLV identity begins here:


The Four Quadrants of Shield:

QI. Identify Your Realm

Realm = Regional Location

Soon, The Map of 12 Realms will be unveiled, with symbols in Mountains, Plains, Woods, Coast, Desert, etc.

In the meantime, look to your surrounding region. Note the plants of your region, e.g., pine, oak, holly, palm etc.

And the landscape defining your terrain. Mountains, or rolling hills. Impenetrable pines, meandering trails, etc.


QIII. Identify Your Animal

Soon, The Hero Powers will be unveiled, with symbols in Mammal, Bird, Insect, Fish, Reptile.

In the meantime, survey the animal kingdom to find the creature that best captures your animal spirit.

E.g., though 2 different persons may share the Water element, they may approach it differently. One as a gliding swan, the other as a long-journeying sea turtle.

QII. Identify Your Element

Elements and Materials of Production

Soon, The Material Cross will be unveiled, with symbols in Metal, Wood, Stone, Earth, Sand, Water, etc.

In the meantime, think of the element that materially or figuratively represent your skill / trade, as tool or canvas.

For instance, the water of ocean is much a canvas to the sailor, as cotton duck cloth is to the painter.


QIV. Identify Your Season

Soon The Noble Ascendancy will be unveiled, with symbols in Initiation, Rite of Passage, Hero Ascendancy.

In the meantime, reflect upon symbols of growth, e.g., from acorn to sapling to 100-year oak. And upon the seasons of Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.

The Noble Seasons that shall carry our stories into the long, long future - including, for our great President.